Impersonate a Representative in the Member Information Center

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Staff may “impersonate” a representative in order to see what the rep would see in the Member Information Center and perform tasks on their behalf.

1. Click Members in the left-hand menu.

2. Click the Reps tab.

3. Click the desired rep in the list of Representatives.

4. If the representative has a login and password assigned to them and “Allow to MIC” is selected as a permission in their assigned permission set, then a [Login] link will appear after the representatives’ name.


5. Click the Login link next to the representative’s name.

6. The Member Information Center (MIC) will open in a new browser window where you can function as if you were that representative. This will allow you to change settings, pay bills, or view things as they would see them. A reminder of your impersonation is displayed at the top of this screen.

Note: If Member Information Center (MIC) is set to version 1 instead of the later versions, the impersonate window will show the latest MIC version instead of version 1. This will give you an idea of what the newer version would look like if you switched to that. Change to the latest version any time under Setup->Member Login Area Options and Settings.

7. (MIC v3 only) Click Change User to switch to other reps of that same member or to choose a different member altogether.

8. When finished, close that browser window instead of choosing the Member Info Center Logout choice. This way you will remain logged in as the staff person in the original browser window.