Save PDF file as a graphic file and insert into editor

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Note: These instructions assume that you own Adobe Acrobat Standard (different from Adobe Acrobat Reader).

If you’d like to display the content of your PDF file in the body of your email instead of using a link to the PDF file as shown here, there is a way to do that might be helpful to know.

Vid.png Inserting a PDF file as graphic

In general the steps will be 1) save your PDF file as a JPG file in your own PDF program and then 2) insert this JPG file using the Insert/Edit Image selection.
Open your PDF file in your own PDF program. (Adobe Acrobat Standard – not Reader)
Select File, Save As.
Change the file type to JPG and click Save.
If your PDF contains multiple pages, you may need to save each page as a separate JPG file. However, Adobe Acrobat version 8 creates a separate JPG automatically for each page.
Then in ChamberMaster, position your cursor where the PDF should be displayed. (Place a couple of blank lines at the top of the document in case you want to add text at the top later on.)
Click Insert/Edit Image.
Browse Server.
Click Browse.
Find the file and click Upload.
If you had a multiple page PDF, you would need to upload each JPG in this same manner.
After selecting this image, it will be displayed in the body of your email.
Hint: If adding text below this image, click the image once to select it, then press the right arrow once to move past the image, then press Enter. This will allow you to begin typing new text below the image instead of accidentally deleting the image by typing your new text.
Since this image may not be as clear as the original, you may also want to include a link to the PDF file using add attachment.
Sending a test email to yourself is also recommended.

Watch a short video of these instructions: