Job Postings
Job Postings are job openings that a member desires to post for the general public on the Job Postings section of your web site. The member may submit a Job Posting through the Member Information Center or a staff person may add a Job Posting on behalf of the member. You also have the option of allowing the general public the ability to submit a job opening which you can approve or deny before it is displayed.
Add a Job Posting for a Member
- Click Members in the left-hand menu.
- Select the desired member from the dropdown list at the top of the page.
- On the Advanced tab, click New Job Posting in the "Job Postings" section.
- Complete the form in the "Job Posting Information" pop up window.
- If you do not have job postings fee set up, click Save & Exit. The job posting will be automatically approved and active based on the dates you selected. If you do have a job postings fee setup, click Continue and complete the checkout process.
- Note: Alternatively, you can access job postings for all members by clicking Jobs in the left-hand menu.
Remove a Job Posting
- Click Members in the left-hand menu.
- Select the desired member from the dropdown list at the top of the page.
- In the Job Postings section of the Advanced tab, select the checkbox next to the job posting you wish to remove.
- Click Delete Selected Job Postings.
Edit a Job Posting
Job posting dates may not be changed after the transaction has been completed if charges are associated with the Job posting in the software. You may, however, disable a Job posting and create another Job posting with the correct dates. Charges from the first Job posting will still apply unless refunded separately.
- Click Members in the left-hand menu.
- Select the desired member.
- Note: Access job postings for all members by clicking Job Postings in the left-hand menu.
- On the Advanced Options tab, click the title of Job Posting that you wish to edit in the Job Postings area.
- Make the desired edits and click Save & Exit.
Disable a Job Posting
- Click Members in the left-hand menu.
- Select the desired member.
- Note: Access job postings for all members by clicking Job Postings in the left-hand menu.
- On the Advanced Options tab, click the Status arrow of the desired Job posting in the Job Postings area to view available selections.
- Click Disabled.
Approve a Job Posting
Approved deals will display on the public website and/or in the Member Information Center (depending on how you have it setup).
- Note: Job postings will always need approval by a staff person if the member submits them through the Member Information Center. Notice the Task List will indicate the number of pending Job postings that need your approval. Job postings will not go live on the web site without your approval.
- Click Members in the left-hand menu.
- Select the desired member.
- Note:Access job postings for all members by clicking Job Postings in the left-hand menu. Or click Job Postings in the Task List to view only those jobs that are Pending or In Cart.
- On the Advanced Options tab, click the status arrow of the desired Job posting in the Job postings area to view available selections.
- Click Approved.