Get the Big Picture
Events added to your calendar may be enhanced to include photos, sponsor logos and information, website links, and event description text that can be formatted as desired. Options also include online participant registration, special members only pricing, and an automatic email reminder to registered guests.
Event information may be kept for internal purposes only, displayed on the public website calendar, and/or a calendar available only to chamber members. The public events website displays a graphical monthly calendar, a list of current events, all events for the month, chamber-designated Featured Events, and the ability to search for desired event by category, keyword, or month. A printable listing is also available that contains all pertinent event details.
Invitations may be sent to potential participants and then automatically displayed on the participants list where their status may be changed from Invite Sent to Registered as RSVPs are received. From the participants list a roster sheet, name tags, or labels may be printed. Other output options include sending emails and downloading data to a comma separated value (.csv) file. Using a variety of filter options all output can be displayed by registration status, payment status, or according to self-selected filters.
Note: When creating a new event, work with the tabs in order as displayed. For example, after completing the General tab, setup the fees (if applicable) on the Fees tab. The Sponsor tab would be next, the Guest List, and finally the Account tab. You may complete them out-of-order if desired but there is a logical flow if working from left to right.
Event fees, designated for members or non-members, may be associated with each event. If integrated with QuickBooks or using the integrated billing module, individual invoices may be generated automatically from the Events module for those requesting payment by invoice.