November 2017 Release Notes
Software Update November 2017
See Who Else is Going - Link
Have your members been invited to an upcoming event, but want see who else is going? They can now easily see the current guest list right from their email invitation. We've added a "See who else is going" text link to the event email invitation template. As long as you enable the "Allow others to see who is attending" setting (see where this setting is) and there are attendees signed up, members will be able to see who else is planning to attend. If they click this new link in their email invitation, it will automatically log them into the MIC and bring them straight to the Who's Going Tab in that particular Event. Need to know how to send event invitations? Learn how.
Easily Make a Copy of Job Postings
There are times that members may need to upload similar job postings on a recurring basis (i.e. summer positions or holiday help). They can now easily copy their old job listing and repost it directly from the MIC. To do this, go to job listings, and click Manage Listings. There, members will see all of their listings (present and past), and they can click Copy on the post they'd like to utilize. Just type in new dates, and everything else will populate. Watch this video for more information.
We've also added a "last posted" column in the Manage Job Postings area so that members can see at a glance when the last time each job was posted live. See a screenshot.
Today's Date Merge Field Now Available
In emails and email templates, you can now utilize the "Today's Date" merge field. By using this field, you are able to save yourself the hassle of manually adding the current date into your emails. When editing an email, click the "add database field" icon. A dialog box will then display, showing all of the merge fields available to you. The newly added "Today's Date" merge field is listed under the "our organization info" section. Watch a quick video on this.
Track Your Bundled Fees
We've now made it easier to track your bundled fee items with a new report. To run this report for your organization, navigate to reports and search "bundle". Run the "Bundled Fee" report to see which items in the bundles have been used and which items are remaining to be used within their membership term. Watch a video on how to run this report. Want to set up bundled fees? Learn more.
Builders Edition (NAHB/WMS) Customers - More Options For Tying a Membership to the Correct Representative
Updates to the WMS Export provides more flexible ways to tie a membership back to the correct rep. Although typically a membership belongs to the person that the bill is sent to, we understand that sometimes the membership belongs to one person and the bill is sent to another.
This update now no longer relies solely on the Bill-To field to indicate to whom the membership belongs. You can now add the name of the rep, of which the membership belongs to, anywhere into the fee item description field. See an example. During the export, this field is now looked at by the system and will properly recognize to whom the membership belongs. If there is no name listed in the Fee Item Description field, it will fall back to the Bill-to rep (as it has always done).
In addition, invoices can now contain line items for multiple memberships. Simply include the name of the rep who owns the membership in each line item description. The full invoice must be paid for the memberships to be counted as renewed.
Invalid Email Addresses
The Invalid Email Addresses Removed report now includes a Recheck Address link. Click this link to recheck the email address with the email verification service. If found to be valid, the email address will be restored to all locations in the database. If still found to be invalid, an option is provided to send a verification email to this email address. If the address is valid and the recipient replies to the email received, the email address will be marked as valid and restored to all locations in the database. Click here for additional information on this initiative.
- Short-cut! When selecting Refund on the Payment Processing report (Integrated Payment Processing customers) or Credit Card Listing report (Authorize.Net customers) after selecting to refund back to the payment processor, you'll now be presented with the option to create the matching refund accounting transaction (negative sales receipt) for that amount. Previously this was a separate step to create the refund transaction. This option will only appear on transactions that have a payment transaction associated.
- Statements: The Balance column will now show the remaining balance for each line item instead of displaying a running balance of the line items. This logic was changed in order to best represent the available amounts of unapplied payments and credits that are now appropriately included when selected as part of the statement.
- Discounts added to an invoice where tax exists should instead be done as a credit to properly reduce the tax associated with the discount amount. On invoices where tax exists and Add Discount is selected, a message will appear instructing you to create a credit. Answering Yes to the on-screen message will open the Credit window immediately. See screenshot.
- All customers will now use the latest method for sending and managing their event invitations. Send your invitations like you always do, but no need to manage them from the Guest List anymore and have them mixed in with those actually attending. Instead these invitees can be managed from the links where options to register and resend their invitation exist. See where this will show. Note: Most customers already had this upgrade.
- More Productivity on the Guest List
- Ability to advance or return to another page of attendees is now available at the bottom of the Guest List in addition to being at the top right corner.
- When finished editing a registration on the guest list that has multiple pages you will be brought back to the same page that you were editing instead of back to page one.
- When needing to send an email to someone on the waiting list, you can now click their email address while viewing the Waiting List. This will open into the standard ChamberMaster / MemberZone email editor. Emails sent from here will record in their communication if a member or rep but always in the general Communication History for all emails sent from here.
- QR Code check-in options: Attendee check-in can be completed using the free ChamberMaster / MemberZone staff app. Attendees can bring the QR Code with them in their confirmation email or print and bring along one of these reports/nametags to the event. Event Roster with QR Code or Name Tags with QR Code. Search for QR Code in the left-hand Reports menu. For more information on the QR Code check-in click here.
Job Postings will no longer be available after their expiration to those that know the URL. Instead, a message will appear indicating the job posting is no longer available. Then a link back to the home page of the job postings is provided. Staff trying to preview a disabled job posting will provide this same message. A job posting must be pending or active in order to view it from the back office.
When you go to send a mass email under Communication->New Email to Multiple Members - and you have a long list that requires scrolling to view, if you need to remove an address and you click delete, it will no longer refresh the window and return you to the top of the list. It will retain your position in the list in case you need to delete additional recipients.

Providing new features and more benefits is something that GrowthZone is committed to. Software release features are often generated from your feature requests. Those requests may be combined or adapted to fit with other requests or in response to industry related changes. We listen, evaluate, and implement based on greatest impact, most-requested, ability to integrate, and time-saving implication. In evaluating the benefit of one software release over another, realize that sometimes the updates have required much programming time but are not always visible in tangible terms. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and your members